Joy Development
Joy Development Podcast
Everything Will be Different Tomorrow

Everything Will be Different Tomorrow

Some reflections on another turn around the sun

In the UK, we are on the cusp of a change of government. This will usher in a new era for us–and we don’t know how far-reaching the changes will go. It’s all up in the air.

And tomorrow is my birthday. It’s my annual review day, my check-in to revision, and review my next turn around the sun. It is also my lunar return: I was born on a new moon, and it’s a new moon tomorrow. A new moon brings an energy of beginnings, and so there’s extra significance for me as I was born on a new moon. 

Tomorrow is also the NHS’s birthday, it was started in 1948, only 30 years before I was born. I was born in 1978, so big birthdays for the NHS are big birthdays for me too.

I’m part of a mini-generation of Xennials (1977-83). We weren’t born digital natives, we had many of the key experiences of Generation X, but without the economic stability. (Also born in 1978: Katie Price, Lawrence Fox, Mike Skinner (The Streets). We’re a strange cohort, the 1978ers.)

I sense a collective need to buckle up as change gets underway. Here are my change survival tips:

  • Attend to the basics. Drink water, eat fruit and veg, go for walks in nature. All these things connect your body to unchanging wisdom.

  • Journal. Write down your hopes and dreams and take a moment to think expansively. What could an opportunity to turn the page mean for you?

  • Take in the external commentary and messaging judiciously. It’s tempting to get swept away in the political rhetorics of change–the ones you agree with and disagree with. All of them can be seductive distractions that can leave you feeling disempowered. Keep returning to your own agenda, your own change to guide you. You are your own compass. 

Joy Development
Joy Development Podcast
Cultivating joy as a professional practice for creatives
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Allie Carr